Roving Metal Spider Stomping Through Downtown! Details at 11.

Click for Zoom.

"I guess I can get rid of one doomsday device and still be feared."

So I said to myself, "Hey self, why don't we try a lighter and warmer toned picture this time? Ya know, lense flare, shiney metal, the works!" Myself responding "But I liiiiike the darknessssss*hisshisshiss*" I then backed away from myself and got the holy water and garlic, preparing for a long night.

This was indeed a hand-hurty picture. Some sort of steampunky mechanical goodness with a crazy mechanic perched upon it wielding her bare feet like raptor talons upon the helpless city-folk. I guess I could have added more gears but I got tired and decided that complaining about the picture was better than actually doing anything about it. Heh.

Photoshop CS2, Wacom Tablet.

This week's theme was Cogs,cogs, and more cogs using the Siena Kuler.Adobe palette by Reyarts. No dick jokes, please. A-thank you.

1 comment:

NoMemoree said...

Wow. Me likey. Especially the lighting. Altho, the lens flare looks like u put the sun in the wrong place. I swear i'll post mine soon! Damn you flyff!!