Tears of pure emo-tion

I'm going to drown the world in my tears...

As teh gear turns....

Another MS Paint contraption. Except for the red outlines, the gears color theme was used. Did half of it at work ^_^. Want to do so much more to it, but I'm behind on my postings. I blame Flyff....

I am depair.

Emo self portrait for the win. Pink is the new black, bitches.

Everything is the same as Robot Arsonist's. Same color palette, Wacom, Photoshop. We used the same computer, even. Though we had all of the same tools at our disposal, her's totally undermined internet emo "depth" waaaaay better.


Cry singing bird fall sky die. Blooood.

I wish my grass was emo so it would cut itself. I hope you get enjoyment out of my wonky anatomy. I also didn't use black in this and did my best to keep to the color palette. Though the whole coloring inside the lines thing is still a mystery. Hah.

This week's topic is Emo Self Portrait using the "Wedding Day Suicide" Kuler palette by carl. Despite the creator's gammas being jacked, I enjoyed the limited colors.

The flightful steampunk heart?

A steam... Thing for the cogs theme. Same palette Robot Arsonist used.

Don't ask me what it is.

If you can't see the details because of over saturated lights or big patches of darkness, your gamma levels are incorrect. You should look into that...